2020 was the year I shopped! After a full year in 2019 at my Zero Shopping Challenge, I had a good conscience when 2020 and the pandemic hit. My travel budget was spent on upgrading my home and wardrobe. Life during the lockdown just got a little better. I'm going to make a list of my best buys, BUT what has gotten me through the winter is my Infrared Sauna Blanket
(sleeping bag haha) from Koanna. When you can’t get to the hot countries, then the hot countries must come to you, am I right?
In the good old days, when we got up and went to work, I would train in the morning and often also just slip a trip to the sauna afterward. I love sweating, and I can see and feel a difference in my skin when it happens regularly. During the lockdown, my gym (and associated sauna) is closed. I can’t get to Hot Yoga in Senses AND I don’t get the same high intensity in my home workouts in a way that causes the same amounts of sweat.
BUT SO, as if Siri had read my thoughts and longings, I was spammed with advertisements for Koanna and their “sauna sleeping bag”. I have a beautiful 2 bedroom, but not enough space to install a sauna haha. Therefore, I was easily seduced to invest in a foldable sauna that I can just roll out on my bed.

There are many benefits to sauna, knowing full well that the heat is not for everyone, but I LOVE IT. I turn it on, get a handkerchief rolled out, and then I crawl down and listen to meditation while dreaming away to a beach or life by a pool.
What it has done for my mental health has been worth all the money to me. It's not cheap, but the 2 months I've had it so far, and the mental "journeys" I've gotten out of it, have been worth all the money.
Just want to finish by listing the benefits of a sauna that I have read about via dear mamma Google, and then wish you a good Friday #bestainable
Sauna Advantages
• Reduces Stress (who doesn't need it at the moment?)
• Initiates blood circulation
• Lowers blood pressure
• Sweat and heat cause your skin to excrete waste products
• Reduces pain by e.g. menstruation and other muscle tension
• Glow to the skin, and those who follow here on the blog know that I am all about that glow up!
Cécile Blaksted, Bestainable.nu